Monday, November 24, 2008

Alive and well!!

At a campout with friends I was filling odd. Went to my doctor, he sent me to a specialist, who ordered a Cat scan. March 27, 2008, I went to Dr Meyers, he showed me the results of the Cat scan. I had CANCER, rare cancer: Primary Peritoneal. Dr. Meyer set me to doctor, Dr Reid and April 23, 2008 I had my operation. Then every 21 day I had CHEMO treatments. After months of treatments my final treatment October 30th, 2008. I made it. With God's love and help, I made it. Yes I'm alive and well!!!


Cindy said...

Yes you are alive and well. What a miracle and blessing you are to all of us. The worst is behind and you are getting better and better each day.

Babs Haake said...

God loves us much more than we know and it is times like this that He shows us His love.

He has shown me how much He loves me through you. MY heart would have broken in a million pieces had I lost my dear sister. He heard our prayers and every day is a gift now.