Sunday, November 30, 2008


I am working on my family genealogy. It's fun finding information, learning more and more about my family. I have never been able to fine anything on my mom's, mother, Pauline (Abrizza) Scollo. She had two sisters that we know of. Lena, who came to America 1900-1910 then Pauline and Nellie came together with their families in 1910-1920. They all ended up in Chicago, IL. Pauline later moved to Cleveland, OH. I remember my grandma talking about Sicily and how beautiful it was. She missed it a lot. After moving to Cleveland, Ohio she lost touch with her sisters but missed them. Abrizza is their maiden name, maybe. It's on birth records spelled a little different each time. The photo left to right: Lena, Pauline, Nellie.

My father's side, Walker, I have a few generations back. I need to work on my cousin's marriages and children. Sounds easy but like grandma Pauline I lost touch with most of them and getting reconnected isn't easy. Some don't remember me from when we were young and some just don't have any interest in genealogy and don't want to be bothered. I have a lot of missing links. I think if they would be able to read some of the stories and see photoes it might perk some interest. You never know. I know I enjoy it.
Like this photo of John, Charles and William Walker. Charles is my grandfather on my Dad's side. He's a teenage in this photo.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


November 3, 2008, my daughter Sandy and hubby Dan had a baby Girl, Penelope Supriya Saha. My first grandchild. I have 5 sisters, 1 brother and they all have grandchildren. Some are even in high school. This is my first and she is beautiful. Not even 7 pound. I only get to see her on SKYPE. They are in Newcastle, England until the end of December. Dan is in school there. They have a short visit here then off to Grenada in the Caribbean. Then back to SKYPE.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Alive and well!!

At a campout with friends I was filling odd. Went to my doctor, he sent me to a specialist, who ordered a Cat scan. March 27, 2008, I went to Dr Meyers, he showed me the results of the Cat scan. I had CANCER, rare cancer: Primary Peritoneal. Dr. Meyer set me to doctor, Dr Reid and April 23, 2008 I had my operation. Then every 21 day I had CHEMO treatments. After months of treatments my final treatment October 30th, 2008. I made it. With God's love and help, I made it. Yes I'm alive and well!!!